Thursday, February 5, 2009

Things you say can and will be used against you... or written down at least.

Team Fantastic Quotes:


Ben on Dida’s nosebleeds:

 “Maybe you’re getting your period out of your nose.” 

Ben halfway to the top of the Devil’s Marbles posing naked with his “female vagina” (Ben, a vagina is a female thing in the first place, man...)

 “What am I doing up here?”

Eirik sitting on a rock down below:

“You’re being weird again, man.”


Eirik on Steinar wanting to tie Chris Martin to a tree and fuck him so hard up the ass with a stick it comes out of his mouth:

 “It still sounds awfully sexual, man...”


Ben on Navman: “It’s so clever!”


Ben hot and sticky in his swag in Kununurra:

“I’m sleeping naked and I don’t care if anyone sees my penis. “


Eirik to Xenon on being accused of looking at Xen's cards during poker:

“Sorry, dude, I’m not looking at you 'cause you’re actually not all that interesting.”


Ben trying to find a better expression for ‘big dick’ in a conversation on Russell’s (Wycliff Well) penis:

“He’s got a massive DOODLE.”  (Still sounds like you’re talking about poo, Ben.)


Steinar to Xenon on the Darwin sculling-contest where he kept yelling at this guy that he was an irish cunt:

“ I reckon you scared a lot of people.” (So do I, man, but it was funny as hell!)


Xenon to Eirik on speaking Australian (during poker):

“Hey man, you’re the one that learnt overseas that they don’t speak better Australian anywhere than here.”


Xenon on Ben’s amazement of seeing rainbows next to the car while driving through a big puddle of water:

(Ben: Wow! A rainbow next to the car! How did that get there?”)

Xenon: “Sometimes you gotta wonder...”


Ben: “I’m a real fool.”

Dida: “Why is that, Ben?”

Ben: “ Oh, I don’t know. Because I ate a subway, an ice cream and a milkshake.” 

Team Fantastic Abbreviations (most of which are Ben’s or about Ben)

                 (Click for bigger version)

LWD- Loose Water Drink

LWDWDAS- Loose Water Drink While Driving And Smoking

PBJ’s- Pre Bed Jobs

LPD- Loose Powerade Drink

PBSM- Pre Blood Sugar Monster

WAWFU- Walking Around With Fly Undone

WAWFUAPO- Walking Around With Fly Undone And Penis Out

NTOTS- Nearly Trod On Tiger Snake

BYFO- Ben, Your Fly’s Undone

CFOSCAT- Can’t Find Object So Chucks A Tantrum

ALAP- A Long Awaited Poo

NPIS- Naked Poo In Shitpit

ABNDE- Another Ben Near Death Experience

BBH- Ben’s Black Hole

CBMADWW- Chased By Motorbikes Across Desert While Wasted

TOFBB- Thrown Over Fence By Ben

WIMHYSM- Where Is My, Have You Seen My

Rub a dub dub- I can feel my own grub(biness)...

After a fair few weeks on the road, I have come to this list of things that make me happy and generally keep me happy wherever I am:

 - A toilet (with a door)

- A shower

- Regular feeding

- A night temperature of less than 30 degrees so I can sleep

- Sleep

- A day temperature of 35 or less (preferably around 27)

- Dry heat opposed to  the horrible sensation of 90% humidity

- Semi-clean or so clothes

 - Occasional privacy

- A good game of poker

- Snuggles

- Selective occasional contact with the outside world

- Some level of tidiness

- Money

- My pillow

- Escapism

- My camera

- 18 bottles of free red wine and more coming!

- Texts or emails from people I love

- Occasional phone calls

- Meeting gorgeous, new people

- Making new discoveries

- Swimming

( And probably a whole lot of other things that escape me for now...)

I've felt pretty damn grubby these past days. Some things, like shoes, are getting rather smelly. Other things are just rapidly falling apart and waiting to rest in peace. 

Monday, February 2, 2009

A not so itty bitty, but very friendly giant says ta ta for now...

Eirik, prince of jeans, in Westgarth street 

Eirik went back to Norway on the 20th of January.

We were all drinking, being merry at the airport, forgetting why we were there when it all happened too fast. He had a ticket in his hand and walked through the bye bye gate. I don’t like the bye bye gate much, and I didn’t like Eirik leaving. At all.

Drinking at the airport (photo: Steinar)

Looking slightly tired from pre-roadtrip shopping...

Eirik the explorer!

In a lot of ways Team Fantastic was reduced to Team Great.

I miss my not so itteh bitteh giant kitteh.

A lot.

Escaping the nudie beach in Aldinga

In a lot of ways he’s still very much here, and always a part of the team. In Margaret River we ended up at some people’s house late one night for a game of poker. I couldn’t help but think of Eirik’s reaction to that game had he been there. Every hand was like a Bob Dylan (in present time) concert. Slooooow and very unorganized. Alright, it’s not fair to Dylan to call him unorganized, so I’ll keep him out of that part of it. But it sure was slow. Ben and I wished Eirik were there, because this game (which was already driving me insane) would have made him crazy. And Eirik would have kicked some ass and wiped the table, I reckon! 

Eirik as sound man in Geraldton

Riding a pretty sweet home-made bike in Geraldton

I guess I could keep going on and on about all the things he would have loved and all the things I would have loved top share with him. I could spend hours writing about things we did when he was here and how much fun we had, but that’s not going to change anything. Eirik is awesome. He's by far one of my favorite people to play with, to photograph and to hang out with. He's an awesome co-procrastinato, adventurer and just a fantastic guy.
At the Pinnacles...

Fishing in the sunset in Perth

Eirik is still here. Kind of. First day after he left I renamed my Buzz Lightyear Eirik, name tag and everything, and he goes where I go. We have yet to record some of our adventures, Eirik and I. We got interrupted by hippies or happy’s or whatever else we were surrounded by. We have not surrendered to the interruptions...and will return!

Pre-poker drinking in Perth

Attempted sand surfing in Aldinga

Yeah, I miss my not so itteh bitteh giant kitteh. He has the best laugh and some of the best hugs. These photos can't even begin to describe his part of the adventure, but if nothing else, they should tell you that

I loves my Eirik.

Until next time, kitteh! 

Speaks for itself...  :(  (photo: Steinar)


We rocked up to Ben’s uncle Brian’s house in Perth a few days before Eirik was leaving us. Wow, what a change of scenery. A spa before breakfast, a bed to sleep in, and lots of yummy food. Mmmmm... We didn’t do much work while there, but tried as best we could to enjoy our time with Eirik. Playing poker, fishing, drinking too much and seeing a band very hung over. It was a good few days. I really enjoyed Brian and Carol’s (his wife) company. They are really good people and lots of fun! 

Friday, January 30, 2009

Fishing with Ben and Dida.

Partners in crime and... fishing!

I love fishing. Even more so, I love fishing with Ben. Actually, I will go as far as saying that right now I love fishing with Ben more than I love fishing.

It’s not that we always catch something; it’s the pure joy of just throwing a line out, cutting up gooey octopus or other gunky stuff, having a beer and good company. We have a lot of fun!

The most memorable day was fishing with Ben while he was still drunk of the jetty in Geraldton. We’re no experts to say the least, but I’ll be damned if we don’t have the right attitude. It was about 1 in the arvo and Ben was still drunk from the night before. We got our bait, some new hooks and set out to catch the Big fish.

Ben still drunk from the night before ready to go fishing

So... It wasn’t the best time to go fishing obviously. But we got really excited when we saw the prime spot out on the jetty was ours for the taking. (There was no one else fishing at that time...) And away we went, both with handrails and the enthusiasm of a whole fishing boat. The fishies started biting as soon as the line went in. Our new throwing technique gets the line pretty far out. After a few moments I get my first bite.

Oh joy! I reel it in and we’re both looking eagerly into the water hoping to see a sweet fish. I pull it up and it’s a fucking blowfish. Boooo. We’re able to get it off the hook and back in the water. New bait and another line. Something bites again. Another damn blowfish. I can’t remember at what point Ben stabs one of them to death. They pop. Damn blowfish. Some other people (kids) show up and throw lines in. They catch real fish. Eatable fish. Not big ones, but still proper fish. We start hating these kids. One kid comes up and takes Ben’s spot as he helps me unhook another blowie. He turns and in a very unlike Ben voice says, ”That’s my spot, man!” She wheels it in and walks away as quickly as her small feet can carry her.  Do not fuck with our fishing.

Ben...still drunk, but very happy

At about blowfish number 7 I am getting real angry. Ben says : “Kill it, Dida! Just kill it!” I hesitate. Mmm... No, I can’t really do it. “Come on, kill it, Dida! Stab it! Come on, kill it! KILL IT!!” At this point I loose my temper completely and stab the shit out of this fucker. “Die, fucker, just DIE!!” Multiple stab wounds later, we turn around to only to see a poor little girl staring at me, probably scarred for life. Ops. Tally for the day was 9 blowfish for me, 1 for Ben. I hate blowfish.

So, as Ben throws the last line of the day out he somehow manages to also throw the handline in. How is still a mystery to us both. Standing with only the line in hand, he looks at me with a look only Ben can pull off. “What are we gonna do?” “Well, Ben, we can’t leave it out there, we have to get it in somehow. Try pulling it a bit, it might come a bit closer.”  So done, and the line slowly moves closer and Ben’s collecting a lot of fishing line. It’s close enough to where it seems plausible to get to, so Ben climbs down off the jetty, barely holding on. It’s still to far away. I try to pull it a bit closer and Ben tries to catch it with his foot. After a few moments of what must have looked like a circus, he manages to get a hold of it and hands it to me.  One thing down, now all we need is for Ben to get up again. Easier said than done as there is nothing to climb on. I can see that he’s starting to stress out and tell him to give me his hand. “You can’t pull me up, I’m too heavy! You’ll fall in! I don’t want to fall in, Dida, there could be sharks in there!” Ah, sweet irrational fear. The bay probably had no sharks, but I’ll be damned if I would go in there! “Give me your hand, man, I can pull you up!” Ben nervously gives me his hand and I use all the strength I have to pull him half way up. So, now he’s halfway hanging by his arms. Still can’t get up. To cut a long story short, we somehow manage to get him out of the water and as he stands up on the jetty blood trickles down his feet having cut himself during the stunt. But, we got the handrail in and all was good.

An itty bitty fish, but still a fish! (photo: Ben)

Another funny fish story happened on a jetty in Cervantes, home of the Pinnacles. We’re out fishing not having much luck and our German friend from Hutt River and Geraldton, Amin shows up. I finally catch a little fella through the eye, which I have Ben promptly kill, and Amin goes to help Ben fix something on his rod. It’s very windy. Amin puts his precious Hutt River stubbie holder and beer on top of a pole-thingy. It falls in the water. And this is what happens.

Now, you got to admire this, man. It was pretty chilly, and who knows what those waters have in them. Good on ya, Amin!

 Oh, and before Amin showed up Ben suddenly grabs me thinking he’s seeing a shark. “ Shark!! You’re standing too close to the edge, Dida!” We’re holding each other looking out over the water as we see this fin. I’m thinking shark too for a split second. All of a sudden this ‘shark’ starts going up and down in a very un-shark-like manner. It’s a dolphin. And we’re looking stupid again. This is why I love fishing with Ben. It’s always an adventure. It’s always fun. It’s always full of love and all the things that put a smile on my face. I’ll go fishing with you any day, man. You just gotta love fishing with Ben and Dida. 

Goddamn internet and other goddamn things

This whole blog is starting to piss me off. If it's not some dodgy internet connection, it's Blogger deciding to be a royal pain in the ass.

For a while now I have had several blogs ready, images as  well, but unable to upload them due mainly to reasons stated above. 

I refuse to surrender. Yesterday it took me about 4 hours spread over most of the day to upload the Port Hedland images, which are not very big in the first place. 

It may take aaaaaaaages, but I'll get there. Eventually.